Super moon (Perigee Moon) 2012

Saturday night the moon was about 221,802 miles from Earth and 15,300 miles closer than average. The moon appeared about 14% bigger and 30% brighter then normal full moons. The word "super moon" was first used in 1979 to describe a full moon that occurs simultaneously with perigee. Perigee is the period in the orbit of the moon where it is closes to earth. the moon reaches perigee once per orbit, ever 27.5 days, but a "super moon" occurs about every 14 months.

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Paper Wasp

Found this Paper Wasp on kitchen floor last night. Canon EF 100mm f/2.8 Macro and Macro Ring Lite MR-14EX

Yellow Jacket Wasp 1

Paper Wasp 1, a photo by Ryan B. Hougesen on Flickr.

Yellow Jacket Wasp 2

Paper Wasp 2, a photo by Ryan B. Hougesen on Flickr.

Yellow Jacket Wasp 3

Paper Wasp 3, a photo by Ryan B. Hougesen on Flickr.

Yellow Jacket Wasp 4

Paper Wasp 4, a photo by Ryan B. Hougesen on Flickr.

Missed a Tornado!

We are in Orlando now and staying here for the night, then head to Ft Lauderdale in the morning where we get on the cruse ship. We hit the Florida border around 7 this morning, there was heavy rain most of the way down due to all the tornados crossing the country. We had just driven into Kentucky last night and stopped for dinner around 6:30 and just missed the end of a tornado. Then we sat in traffic, where there was an overturned transport and debri all over the roadway.